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martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Ultimate Frisbee: Compartiendo culturas

Siguiendo con el tema de hábitos saludables, queríamos compartir con vosotros un juego que tanto Pamela como Julian han jugado. Se juega en muchos países y fue invitado en el colegio de Pamela en Maplewood, NJ en 1967. A continuación lo explicamos brevemente en ingles. Esperamos que lo intentéis jugar.

Ultimate Frisbee is a game that was invented at Columbia High School in Maplewood, New Jersey USA (Pamela’s School) in 1967. It is a game that is played with a Frisbee disk. 

The game is usually played with teams of seven people, similar to basketball. If you catch the disk you cannot move. As in American football, someone must catch the disk behind the line to get a point. Ultimate Frisbee is a non-contact sport (there is no pushing and shoving permitted), and its players focus on “the spirit of the game.” There is no referee in ultimate Frisbee.

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